Our Story
The Greatest Generation

We wanted, in some small way, to honor the heroes of the greatest generation who fought in the 305 Bombardment Group during WWII.

The 305 Bombardment Group made an immense sacrifice

There is no telling how the world would be different today were it not for their courage and bravery. Our patriarch Loren Fink, alongside his brothers in the 305, were shot down in their B-17 during the second Schweinfurt raid in WWII Germany. The plane took a major hit and was not able to make it home.

That fateful crash happened during the second Schweinfurt raid on October 14, 1943, a day now known as Black Thursday. The main effort of this raid by the allied forces was to destroy manufacturing centers in this region of Germany. During the raid 60 B-17s were lost, 17 damaged beyond repair, and 121 damaged in battle overall.

Loren was eventually captured by the enemy and suffered the horrors of a POW. The bravery and sacrifice of Loren and his brothers motivated us to present the best possible product for our customers.

Loren In Uniform

Verl Fisher At Memorial

Loren with B17

Loren at Memorial

B17 Loren Flew in