How safe is water in the Hayden ID and Coeur d Alene area? Water for this house comes from a deep aquifer, so it is a very high quality water source, one of the best in the area.
A deep aquifer means that it has been flowing a long time through rocks where it picks up minerals that the body needs. We have done extensive research to determine the optimal filtration system for this area and have invested in a Berkey filtration system for the health and safety of our guests.
In addition to the standard filter, we have purchased a dedicated arsenic filter. It does a excellent job of filtering out the bad stuff, but leaving the minerals that provide great taste.
You can read more about the benefits of Berkey filters at the following link:
We have also installed a whole house water softener for your enjoyment. If you live in an area with hard water like we have here, you will appreciate the difference.
To purchase a Berkey for your own home, please click here.